When George Came to Stay*
He appeared, apparently out of nowhere, KNOWING that I would benefit from his advice after events from the last few weeks. I tend to live...

A Rescue Puppy Who Rescued Us*
The Dog Shelter named her Sheba. She came home with us two months ago in March and we fell in love with her from the moment she wagged...

Giving Up*
Poxy Excuses, Pity Parties, Fear, Hatred, Judgment, Envy, Greed, Madness, Murdering Families of Sentient Creatures for Food and Drink...

ACTIVISM Equals Freedom 2020 - Are You In OR Are You Out?*
I used to smile smugly through a non-judgmental face. I couldn't be bothered getting involved in anything where answers were few and...

Buster and the Wolves - Were Animals Created First?*
Hi, my name is Buster The Dog. I have soft ears and brown hairy legs. Hey, I need your help regarding the species called people. I'm not...

Born to CONSUME, Pay Tax, Stay Sick and Die Slowly*
Here's the Solution and Value to You. A Free, Easy Way, In and Out. Give Yourself permission to Choose. Silently Debate Right, Wrong,...

OPEN Letter to Doctors Worldwide*
Are you one of the many Trail Blazers advising the public that Nutrition helps controls Cancer (Medical Reference, Dr T Colin Campbell,...

SCAM of the Century - MILKshakes CHEESE Toasties & Goose Feather Filled Jackets*
I was scammed for over 20 years, my parents for over 40, without a Hint of how the Thieving SCAMMERS Stole our Innocence, Health, Savings...

What's LOVE got to do with it NOT MUCH it turns out
A Quiver down the Spine, a Kiss on the Lips, Blushing Cherry Red, an Adored Dog's greeting home, Hugs, Truly Listening, Flexible...

HOT WET Beads of Sweat and Dread trickled down her face, again. Lulu's at the posh shops walking an imaginary tight rope over the...