OPEN Letter to Doctors Worldwide*
Are you one of the many Trail Blazers advising the public that Nutrition helps controls Cancer (Medical Reference, Dr T Colin Campbell, TEDxEast Talks), and has been Scientifically proven to assist recovery from significant diseases? Did you study Nutrition at University and advise patients on how to look after their bodies through simple-to-follow preventative, economical and measured care?
Have you told any patients that prescription drugs are one of the largest causes of deaths in the world? Also, that animal products are detrimental to basic health, despite the big FAT advertising push. Health care research is a billion dollar industry but public money is best spent wisely, not on CURES which are already here. Faded. From. View.
I am pro-doctor and not an anti-vaxxer (if sufficient independent safety evidence is produced) BUT as a paying Customer I expect to be told ALL the information about the ingredients and True Long Term Side Effects of drugs/vaccines. On balance, there are wonderful doctors and pharmacists out there doing amazing life saving work. Heroes. Who. Are. Routinely. Bullied. Abused. And. Over. Worked.
A little about me: I had one very diseased family back in time and whenever I questioned the doctors regarding basic nutrition, they offered me negative personal opinions about nutrition care. When I asked what they based their comments on - the evidence, PLEASE - oh Deary Me, Not One could come up with ANY clinical studies to back up their ill-informed individual advice.
I had horrifying experiences with dietitians working for a tax payer funded hospital who told me my seriously ill husband was too sick to worry about nutrition and to feed him ice-cream. Luckily I ignored this confusion but thousands of others listen to, and trustingly follow, this Crapology every day of the week. The. Devil's. Work.
I am Mad as Hell that most took our money, thousands and thousands of dollars, did not give us up to date INDEPENDENT health information, free to the user, and out there for all to access. Led. Astray. 2. Tears. And. No. Accountability.

When my own family got well again after years of ill health and a near death scene, I wrote a book based on medical science research, told my friends and family about what worked for us and how proven plant based nutrition accelerated our recoveries. Some politely ignored the proof, or were too lazy to investigate the science - happy to whinge endlessly about their whole body malfunctions - while others have gone on to eradicate preventable illness in their own lives and are saving a fortune eating delicious cruelty-free food. Easy. Through. An. Open. Mind.
Some people appear to be brain washed or hypnotised by Slick Advertising and Information BENDING from a segment of Professionals. They don't know how to start up a conversation about getting Well Again, or Ever, or at all. When my book received three 5 Star Reviews from the International Review Panel last year, I rang every Illness Joint in Town, with the happy news. They didn't want to know, which led me to ask Telling Chilling Questions.
I invite you to listen to my public speaking at your University/Hospital/Medical Centre (or through Zoom or WhatsApp and share the Solutions our family found where NO Knowledge Snobbery was involved. I don't need slide projectors or fancy flash presentations. My talk takes 20 minutes, audience questions 40 minutes. That's it. All. Sorted.
My friend George is on holidays this week and I miss his smart tuition. He told me he's having the best time on the Barrier Reef in Queensland, soaking up the sun. In. The. Shade. Recovering from the Hustle and Bustle of Life!