The Breast of Life*
Why did you come here? She Whispers at last. To Enhance My Spirit. From Eons of Matriarchy. He Replies Rather Fast. As the Breast...

More Poetry: The Wildest Ride*
The Lion of Judah Called Him Aside From Sudden Death As His Crimson Heart Blown Out By Light Weary, Stopped Beating... But Today In...

A Poem: Love IS a Place - A Choice of View*
As White as the Spectrum And Far Away Rockets As Near 2 my Heart Tantalizing This Body In One Polar Crevice Storms Swirl Astounded Making...

Plenty of $Money$ Worldwide 4 Wars & Weapons BUT What About Uni Students?*
Do you know how much is spent on wars and weapons? The amounts are eye-watering. No Expense Spared or So It Appears. And the details of...

Speaking UP. Can You Do It?*
As a public speaker I joined Toastmasters to gain confidence where a whole new world slowly blazed 2 bright, right here, in front of me:...

Melbourne Moments*
We had a holiday in Melbourne a few weeks ago, a place I had wanted to re-visit. I have often dreamed of jumping into a time machine to...

Emotional Vampires and Peace Within!*
Many of us have had our share of pity parties to exorcise an emotional vampire or seven. They're all over you like a rash at the...

Is Society DESIGNED to Confuse and/or Tear Us Apart? Here's The Way 2 Freedom.*
Who's running the Joint? The Oracle. It may not be who we think! Our plastic brains have the moving answers. Many prophets from...

The Cuckoo In The Mirror - Can You Change Your Mind?*
A Little Birdie told me that when we look into a mirror, another world opens to us where our Creations and Passions come to Life. Our...

Activated Charcoal Magic Mushrooms and Pink Gin*
I wish someone had tipped me on the shoulder years ago and advised me about the mighty benefits of Activated Charcoal but, like most True...