Frequently Asked Questions
How can Sound Therapy benefit me? Our bodies are made of Sound/Light and using the perfect sounds can entrain all the moving pieces to work efficiently eg 174Hertz (Solfeggio fork) can locate balances and imbalances in the biofield by assisting the body to tune to its own correct rhythms and clear stuck, blocked energy. Good Sound releases energy to harmonic swirl and/or melodic vibration. Sound also draws out residual toxicity. A Glorious Revelation. On the path to ... wherever you choose ...
Any contraindications? Yes. I do not work on anyone with a heart pacemaker as Sound may affect the rhythm.
Is Sound Therapy alternative? No. Sound in most forms has been used for thousands of years with outstanding success. Mainstream medicine has been practised for over 100 years.
How do people feel after a session? People tell me they feel immediate effects of calm and wholeness during a session & afterwards...
One man told me he felt "On the Crest of a Wave Surfing."
And There's More
Got Pain? Use Your Lymphatic System To Fix It, with Dr Perry Nickelston, on The Root Cause Medicine Podcast 5.1.2023. Interviewed by Dr Carrie Jones. Easy listening and outstanding answers. If we fix up the lymphatic system, do our bodies harmonise to the correct frequencies for optimal health outcomes? If interested, take a listen and let me know what you think. This is one of best podcasts I have ever listened to. I hope you enjoy it too. You can find Dr Nickelston @stopchasingpain - he's known as The Lymph Doc.
How Junk Food Rewires the Brain 10.5.2023. Weight loss and primary health care, including how sugar affects our behaviour:
AND it's backed by peer reviewed science.
Dr Lee Bartel, Professor Emeritus of Music, Toronto University.
Music Medicine: Sound at the cellular level, TEDx Talks 16.36mins. Mind blowing science at 40Hertz for brain repair.
Professor Andrew Huberman, Neuroscientist, Stanford University School of Medicine. See Podcast Episode 64 Controlling sugar cravings & metabolism with science-based tools, posted on Spotify @Hubermanlab, dated 21 March 2022. If you are interested in how sugar affects dopamine, sleep, the nervous system, hormones, and a host of other nutritional life giving subjects, this may be the podcast for you. Red emphasis on words is Hunter K. Smith's alone.
Professor Justin Sonnenburg PhD, Stanford University School of Medicine. See Podcast Episode 62 How to build, maintain and repair gut health, posted on Spotify @Hubermanlab, 7.3.2022.
Professor Norman Doidge's book, The Brain's Way of Healing, for almost unbelievable stories of seemingly miraculous recoveries from Sound Therapy, and its origins. Also his other book, The Brain That Changes Itself.
~~~ AND anything from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr... including his many "won" court cases.
What you don't know about health and the environment can wreck your life.
Dr Naomi Wolf's books, The Bodies of Others, and Vagina. Is sexuality directly connected to creativity consciousness and power? Not to mention depression illness and health? Dr Wolf's storytelling, medical research and attention to details: 10/10.
James Nestor's best selling book, Breath (science). Possibly one of the most important books ever written.
Lex Fridman, Computer Scientist, Podcaster Extraordinaire, MIT. Original. Unique. Brilliant.
Eileen Day McKusick's books, Electric Body Electric Health and Tuning The Human Biofield. A Master Innovator.
Marisa Cranfill's Yoga and QiGong at The. Miracle. Of. Movement.
Dr Richard P. Jacoby's and Raquel Baldelomar's book, Sugar Crush: How to reduce inflammation, reverse nerve damage, and reclaim good health.
Dr Robert Lustig's book, Metabolical: the truth about processed food and how it poisons people and the planet. A sugar education hit to exactly target the "sweet" Truth, not only about sugar, but fibre, protein, carbs, fat and every other relative smart body morphing subject. AND get the full facts about Metabolic Syndrome... cleverly hidden in plain sight.
Adam Grant's #1 New York Times Bestselling book, Thank Again: the power of knowing what you don't know.
Dr Joe Dispenza's book, Becoming Supernatural. Also on You Tube, many of his seminars and interviews contain up to date elements of Sound and Quantum Physics.
Professor Andrew Huberman, Neuroscientist Stanford University School of Medicine and @Hubermanlab Instagram & Spotify.
Dr Gregg Braden on You Tube. Again, excellent Sound wave physics' content, and he's so easy to listen to!
Dr Bruce Lipton on You Tube. Cutting edge Sound science every day, in every way.
Shamini Jain Ph.D. Her book, Healing Ourselves, Biofield Science and the Future of Health, is full of peer reviewed data, amazing science, and shows a bright path towards Independent Information Assisted Self Care.
The 26 Year China Study, Forks Over Knives DVD, What The Health DVD, The Game Changers DVD.
Fantastic Fungi, Movie. The science of intelligent mushrooms. Reference: Paul Stamets, Mycologist.
Seaspiracy, Movie. JAW DROPPING RESEARCH. May have to be seen to be believed...
Clemens G. Arvay's book, The Biophilia Effect. Can plants and trees communicate with humans? A scientific exploration of the healing bond between humans and nature. I had to read this book twice because I was so happily shocked by its contents. 10/10.
Kiss The Ground, Movie. The science of soil regeneration @ climate change solutions.
The Earthing Movie: The remarkable science of grounding. AND Earthing Biorelativity Planetary Healing videos by Stefan Burns, Geophysicist.
Kate Murphy's book, You're Not Listening: What you're missing and why it matters. This, on page 110: "People don't realize the power they have when [and until] they learn to listen."
AWARENESS is like the SUN. When it shines on things, THEY are transformed. Thich Nhat Hanh.
BOOK NOW or enquire at Contact (at end of every page on this website), with Hunter K. Smith.