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A Poem: Love IS a Place - A Choice of View*

As White as the Spectrum

And Far Away Rockets

As Near 2 my Heart

Tantalizing This Body

In One Polar Crevice

Storms Swirl Astounded

Making Magic Wands

Strumming The Hounded

A Few Earthly Choices

From Waves OverArching

Tenderness or Fear

Which Do U Pick?

Today I Feel Sunshine

In Meadows of Yellow

Where George Beckons Softly

Thru Shadows Discreet

HE Shows me a Place

Called LoveEverBending

Turning One Cute Eye

2 New Choice of View

Colour Me Purple

He Calls From Afar

Skinny Vibes Whisper Freedom

Get Out of That Jar!

AND Step Away From Your Body

And Into the Groove

While HE Quickly Displays

Silk Portal Tubes

2 Heavenly Treats

On Pathways Less Chosen

Where memories are Shelved

In Tall Tales of Golden

I'm erasing Dead Words

4 When We Next Greet

At His Spacious Alignment

The World at His Feet


Copyright 2019 Hunter K. Smith Author


Written 4 my friend George

Who Teaches Me Sight

When I Stray...

Pic above represents my friend George and me Exchanging Hot Naked Ideas, Flying High.

Are you good at staying on the positive side of life, or do you succumb to lessons for the Damned, on occasion! What creative stuff do you choose, to keep your spirit alive? Tell me your story @ and thanks for reading my blog. If you enjoyed it, please Share.

PS: I regularly write through my book characters. Between George and Lulu, the world as we know it can easily change for the better. I look forward to the day when my book is made into a movie and George and Lulu come to life, this time on screen. If you'd like to read more about them plus other wild and meaningful characters, you'll find them in my latest book which is titled Creating with a Bang! and received Three 5 Star Reviews from The International Review Panel.

May THE Poetry Be With You


*The Views expressed by Hunter K. Smith in this fictional blog or in any other form or media are based on her own interpretation of 15 years' science and medicine research including The 26 Year China Study and Forks Over Knives DVD. They are personal views only. Please consult a Nutritionally Qualified Doctor, Dentist or Vet for advice and before using (or ingesting) any food, drink, plant, nutrient or natural recipe remedy, on humans and/or animals. Thank You.

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