Stitched up, and Addicted – to Sugar*
I’m standing on Skid row, so addicted to sugar even though my sugar intake is low these days, or some days anyway. I don’t buy biscuits or cakes and don’t bake at all. Can you understand then how embarrassing it is when we go for morning tea to someone’s house and, if no one is looking, I eat every biscuit on the plate, or all the goodies and crackers laid out for us, the invited guests. How much sugar is in cheese? I don’t buy cheese at home but there’s something in that stuff. It’s out to get me, I swear.
This addiction is all-consuming occasionally. I have had lots of success with eating very low amounts of sugar for weeks on end but then some twit will bring all the snacks along and I can feel my mouth watering. Yes, thanks, I’ll have three, no five. I don’t have a weight problem so that’s not the cause or trigger.

Have you heard of the book Sugar Crush written by a top US surgeon? Well, would you consider dropping everything you are doing right now to investigate his superb medical investigations and advice? This surgeon explained how he got sick of chopping off patients’ legs and limbs because of preventable diabetes. He did endless scientific research and guess what? Sugar was and is inflaming our bodies to bits and pieces and we often end up nothing short of stuffed, sick and possibly dead from eating refined sugar. It’s not even a food, it’s an alleged additive. If you don’t believe me, ask Dr Jacoby, the Surgeon Author. He’s on your side every day. Which is worse for the body, sugar or animal products? I know the answer. Do you?
I can’t get out of the addiction fully even though I eat very little organic sugar. The addiction is harder to escape than Cocaine, so they say…
We eat small amounts of organic sugar at my place but, I think I need rehab. Sugar and Spice and All Things Nice. Well, that's debatable...
