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Mad as Hell – How I became an Author*

Have you ever felt mad as hell, then the monster devours you? Well, I became mad as hell after both my parents died from chemo in 2006 and 2010. Defeated, No. I used the smart brain I was given to thoroughly research the science of chemo and its side effects; and what it’s made from. Do you know ALL the ingredients, because I was NEVER able to find out? Why is that now? Does it work some of the time? What do you think?

I had been experimenting with food and plants since 2002. A mystery incident ignited searching questions in 2008 when our daughter miraculously stopped developing recurrent respiratory infections after a house move. Was it dust mites? We had gutted the house before we moved in, so all was new inside. No, it probably wasn't dust mites (one of the major allergens in kids).

Having worked for barristers for 20+ years, evidence-based research was a guiding light slowly investigating food and plants but not getting anywhere in a hurry. No results, .YET.

Life had not changed considerably since drinking lemon juice in water or eating a bit of ginger in a stir fry.

Where I did excel right from the get-go was with our horses, by complete accident. We were a tiny bit terrified of vet bills which can occasionally start from $5,000 for a sick horse. In earnest, I checked our horses every day, clean water, mouth, skin, hair, eyes, ears, legs, most especially their hooves; their walking. Were they alert, active, happy? I was trialing food, basic nutrients and plants with them in small amounts to begin with, including cooked and cooled mashed sweet potato and pumpkin for shiny coats and skin care.

Guess what, major success from early in the piece. Ten out of ten. The dogs were getting NO more ear infections… While a massive amount of horsey people we know were and are devastated by vet bills, we were having none. Why was that? I was very simply making sure their guts were being cleared of toxins. I wasn’t pedantic about it, just listening and watching and being clever. And it worked.

Clean water being important as bacteria can grow very fast in water troughs, given the right circumstances. I spray a small amount of organic Apple Cider Vinegar in their toughs. I also make a skin spray that splashes the horses with joy. I blend dried out pumpkin seeds to powder. I mix the seeds with lots of other tried and tested herbs and give them a tablespoon maybe once or twice a week depending on how their skin and manes appear. I check on the ground to see what they’ve dropped to make sure it’s healthy.

I must tell you that my husband had life threatening cancer and had zero side effects from massive doses of chemo. I provided a gut cleanse like no other for this man, using my horsey recipes, and more besides. He was at death’s door, but miraculously survived and is healthy at present.

A gut cleanse is relaxed when you know how, the answers were here all along.

I can’t believe I spent 15 years at this lark trying to work it out. Ask me how it’s done and I’ll tell you. A Show and Tell like no other!

Have you any true stories to tell like mine? I’m here at and thanks for reading my blog.

All The Best


*The Views expressed by Hunter K. Smith in this fictional blog or in any other form or media are based on her own interpretation of 15 years' science and medicine research including The 26 Year China Study and Forks Over Knives DVD. They are personal views only. Please consult a Nutritionally Qualified Doctor, Dentist or Vet for advice and before using (or ingesting) any food, drink, plant, nutrient or natural recipe remedy, on humans and/or animals. Thank You.


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