Adventures Worth Creating*
Are You a Creator or a Whinger? A Healer or a Patient? Maybe some place in between? Indifferent or Connected? When you say I Love You most days, do you mean it? Words and Actions can separate a truth into tears. Do you look for a quick FIX and blame circumstances beyond your control for the ills of the world, or the everyday food and toxins at your place that may be killing you? Whinging. For. The. Truth. Like a Clever Toddler banging a sipper-cup aware at some level where the Power resides.
Or are you a Master Creator knowing that the quick decisions you make today, are the budding bulging consequences or otherwise tomorrow? Do you Go With The Flow and follow THE Leaders' set of Likes and Values? Did you think up your own set of values or were they handed down to you by Powers that Be? Are you serving others in their Creations or are you honouring your Divine Right to sparkle from the inside out? The Guts and garters of your own Threads of Brilliance. Are your Earnings from the passions that spark your heart's desires, or are you a kinda Slave in Real Time? Don't. Let's. Get. Dirty. Girls!
I GIVE UP every few days and create from that space and void, sometimes a dark hollow, new slab and clean slate with no pre-judgments set in concrete. Moving. The. Goal. Posts. As a human, we often put others before ourselves but things are a-changing! What do you think?

We have often given our daughter a huge amount of freedom to think for herself and take responsibility for her life in an age-appropriate way. This has led her on the brave path of emotional intelligence and self-esteem along with the basic human right to ask Telling questions. The massive benefit to all involved is the honesty, and a happy life worth living where her animals and nature often point her to the wonders of her own creation and how to create. In. The. Present. Hey, that's on a Good Day!
All the usual Be Positive speak doesn't sit well with me sometimes and I don't do Relax in any shape or form! Although my friends disagree with that. I can't think of anything worse than Trying to be positive All The Time. Energy. Draining. Mask.
Whinging has its advantages! It can propel one high from that cold hard stone and catapult us to an area upwards and onwards away from Fitting In and mediocrity. Whinging has shown me what I don't want in life and led me away into the Swan Valley of creating a confident life. Free and Happy in a Creator's Body. We all have one.
In my new book Creating with a Bang, I outline how simple it is to get real with the Full Facts, and Big Advertising, in the general media where there's lots of Money at stake, for Someone Else. This exercise changed our family life forever by finding independent science, food and plants which heal the body and keep madness locked outside over the hills and far away. Separating drowning in custard as opposed to eating Mint.